RV Tips: 4 Tips for RVing with Toddlers

If you love to RV but aren’t sure how to make it happen when you have toddlers in tow, you’ve come to the right place! My name is Kate; I’m a full-time RVer with an 18-month-old, and today I’m going to share my RV tips with you! RVing with my husband and son has been a wonderful experience, but there are plenty of difficulties, too. Learn how we navigate those troubles and turn them into fun for everyone below!

Smiling at Campground

Make Space for Them

The main tip I give families who are looking to RV with a toddler is to make sure that your little one has some space.  Set up a “play place” in your RV with a box of their favorite toys, a soft blanket, and plenty of light.  This will help them have a steady, consistent place to entertain themselves and it will make them feel more at home.

RV baby

Bring Familiar Toys

My little one is in love with his Puppy, a stuffed Dalmatian, given to him by his Granddad. We always bring Puppy and his favorite blanket when we go out to new places, especially if we expect him to have to nap while we’re out. These toys help him feel at home, safe and can calm him down if he starts throwing a fit. When you’re packing for your trip, be sure to bring things that remind your little one of home and smell like home so that they will more easily adapt to the new environment.

Outdoor Time

We have a rule in our little home, “If you’re feeling cranky, go outside.” I’ve found that being outside fixes a lousy attitude 90% of the time, especially with my toddler. We try to take daily walks, even on cold days, because it helps him forget about being cranky and wears him out for naptime. Try taking a hike with a few of their favorite books, find a quiet spot, and read for a bit. You’ll be surprised at how much your little one enjoys the change of scenery.

Father and daughter reading outside


One of our must-haves for RVing with our toddler is the backpack carrier. Ours was a hand-me-down from a close friend, but you can find these on Amazon and Walmart relatively inexpensive. The backpack allows you to carry your little one in a comfortable, safe, and easy way. We especially love the kinds with head support so that if the child gets tired, they can drift off to sleep while you keep on hiking.

Hiking with child

Find the perfect RV for your family when you shop at Brown’s RV Superstore!  Contact us today for more information!

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